Saving money is always a top priority on anyone’s mind. But, saving money during the summer months is especially important because the more money you save, the more money you have to spend on vacations and road trips.
Here are some things that you can do to save money on your power bill this summer:
Use your thermostat. The thermostat on your air conditioning system can help to regulate the temperature in your home … and the money in your wallet. When you set the thermostat, your air conditioning system only turns on when the temperature in your home hits that number. This is an important help when you are not at home as the air conditioning system does not need to be running if you are not there. In the morning hours you can turn the system off completely and open the windows, and then as the weather starts to warm up you can turn the system on and set the thermostat to keep the house at a comfortable temperature.
Use energy-saving light bulbs. Spending time outdoors in the warm summer air is a fun perk to this time of year. You can stay out later because the weather is comfortable and spend time relaxing on a porch swing or, enjoying a cool beverage on the patio. But, this means that the outdoor lighting is going to be on more than usual. Make sure that your outdoor lighting is energy-saving light bulbs so that you are not racking up the power bill while you are getting some much needed relaxation time.
Check your windows and doors. Over time the earth that your home is built on will shift and move, causing the house to ‘settle’. This means that the windows and doors can move ever so slightly and little cracks in the seams can appear. These cracks can have a major impact on the energy-efficiency of your home. When you turn the air conditioner on, cool air will escape through these cracks and cause your air conditioner to have to work twice as hard to keep the house cool.
To keep your family comfortable this summer, and your budget on track, follow these steps for an energy-efficient season.