During the fall season many people are using more electricity than usual. During the warm weather months, families prefer to be outside doing fun things in the sun. But, this time of year activities like hiking, camping, and playing in the water are not on the agenda and so more time is spent watching television and using various other electronics.
With your family being inside more, and the weather being cold, your heating system will also be in use much more. For many people, their heating system has a large impact on their overall energy usage. The increased amount of energy usage this time of year can quickly lead to power surges in your home. In fact, nearly 80% of all power surges are caused by electrical appliances.
A power surge in your home can be very damaging to your appliances and electrical equipment. Unless, you are using surge protectors. Both whole-house surge protectors and individual plug-in surge protectors can be very beneficial in protecting your electrical equipment.
Here are some specific benefits:
- A power surge can be very damaging to your electrical equipment and appliances. When you have surge protectors in place, the device absorbs the surge of electricity and prevents it from getting to your appliances. This helps to increase the lifespan of your appliances and reduce the cost of repair and replacement.
- Because power surges can happen several times without the homeowner knowing about it, installing surge protectors can help to protect your heating and cooling systems and reduce the service calls that you have. In fact, if you always seem to have trouble with your heating or cooling system, it could be due to power surges that are shorting it.
- Surge protectors are very affordable and easy to get. Whether you have a whole-house surge protector installed or, you purchase individual surge protectors at your local home improvement store, the overall cost is much less than the price of replacing your appliances and electrical devices.
With the extra use of your electrical system this time of year, it would be very beneficial for you to invest in surge protectors. In addition to protecting your equipment, they could prevent electrical fires from a shorted electrical device.